We live in a world that’s been deceived into believing that disease is “normal”.
That it’s all just a part of life….
And shouldn´t be questioned.
But this couldn´t be further from the TRUTH!
Almost 1 in 3 people suffer from multiple chronic diseases….
Living life as a daily battle.
And when 2020 hit….
MILLIONS of lives were affected in ways we never thought possible!
Now, the people all over the world are fighting for their lives…
“After everything that happened in 2020…
Through the spread in the virus…
Life-threatening symptoms are becoming more common!
As if that wasn´t enough…
The horrible post-diagnosis symptoms like chronic fatigue… are crippling the lives of MILLIONS!”
This isn’t normal.
And finally….
More and more people are realizing….
That we’re being lied to in the most EVIL way possible!
“I did some digging into the survivability of myocarditis over a 5-year time period is somewhere around 50%. So that means that 50% of the individuals up to this point that have been diagnosed with myocarditis die within 5 years. And so, not surprisingly, in the media we hear of individuals especially prime athletes in their late teens, early 20s, just suddenly keeling over and dying, or suddenly having some type of cardiac failure or a heart attack, or a myocardial infarction.
And to me, writing this book, it just doesn’t surprise me whatsoever. Because of this foisted on the United States population, and 70% of the population of the United States received 2 doses of the jab. So that is really, really scary.” –
Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD, PE