This potent formula contains over 20 natural medicines, including Echinacea, Garlic Bulb Extract, Cranberry Fruit, Black Walnut Hull Powder, Carrot Root Powder, Papaya Fruit Powder, and zinc.
These natural ingredients not only contain powerful antioxidant properties but also work together to provide a gentle whole-body cleanse.
From supporting healthy digestion to promoting immune system function, Para-Free Detox offers a wide range of health benefits.
Episode 1: HEALING SCIENCE: Doctor-Recommended Strategies for COVID, Vaxx Injuries and Bioweapon Reversal
Episode 2: RED HANDED: Exposing the Truth Behind The Global Elites' Deceptions
Episode 3: RESTORING HEART HEALTH: Overcoming the Effects of Myocarditis and The Deadly Jab
Episode 4: HARNESSING NATURE’S REMEDIES: Reversing Autoimmunity, Chronic Illness, and Cancer
Episode 5: THE ROOT OF DISEASE: Treatments for Post-Vaxx and COVID Inflammatory-Related Diseases
Episode 6: “PANDEMIC” PROOF: Strengthen Your Immune System Using Proven Natural Healing Methods
Episode 7: HEALING FROM WITHIN: The Unbreakable Link Between The Gut and Healthy Living
Episode 8: SURVIVAL OF HUMANITY: Coming Together to Combat The Global Depopulation Agenda
Episode 9: THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION: The Power Behind Faith & Positive Thinking for Healing
Episode 10: LONGEVITY SECRETS: Proven Holistic Protocols to Increase Your Healthspan
Episode 11: ANCIENT HEALING TOOLS: Forgotten Methods For Fighting Modern “Diseases”
Episode 12: MASS POISONING: Exposing The Dangers In Our Food, Water & Environment
Q&A Sessions